Shriner's Children's Gala
The Western Colorado Shrine Club is hosting a fundraising gala for Shriners Children’s Hospitals and Clinics on Saturday, April 26th at the DoubleTree Hotel in Grand Junction Colorado.
To buy tickets, make a donation, or become a corporate sponsor click the Learn More button below.
Proceeds go to Shriners Children’s Hospitals and Clinics.


About the Western Colorado Shrine Club
The members of the Western Colorado Shrine Club are proud to be known as Shriners.
Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth.
Shriners are known for their fellowship, brotherhood, compassion and generosity.
The fraternity established Shriners Hospitals for Children as its official philanthropy in 1922, and continues to support it today, while striving to make the world a happier, better place.
Our Mission
Shriners are a fraternity of men committed to making an even greater difference in the world through brotherhood, family, fun and philanthropy.
The Western Colorado Shrine Club raises money for Shriners Children’s Hospitals and Clinics. Our hospitals and clinics in the United States, Canada, and Mexico providing pediatric specialty care to patients regardless of the families ability to pay.
The Western Colorado Shrine Club also offers transportation funds to the patient families when traveling to receiving care at one of our hospitals or clinics.

Transportation Fund
The Western Colorado Shrine Club offers money for transportation, loding, and food for the families of Shrine Children’s Hosptials and Clinics when they travel for care.
To request travel funds please use the Contact Us form below or you can email us at [email protected]